Whether you’re in an active job search, or just have the mindset of being open to new opportunities – you may have wondered how to attract the attention of recruiters who just *might* have the perfect role for you.
Imagine, going about your day, when your phone starts to ring. You look at the screen and see yet another unknown phone number. “The 900th spam call this week.” You shake your head and sigh. Best let it go to voicemail, right? Well…maybe just on a whim…you decide to pick it up.
Suddenly, a recruiter introduces themselves. They’ve been looking for you for months, trawling the online depths in the hopes of finding your contact information. Their voice brightens, the first part of their mission accomplished. They want to talk…they have job opportunities in your area.
Turns out – one of those job opportunities is just the kind of thing you’re looking to do next. You make a vertical move, get a huge pay raise, and a crazy 401K.
Happily ever after, right? I wish it worked that way. I talk to a lot of candidates. I don’t always have the perfect job for them after our first call. Every now and then, that happens! Sometimes, I call back weeks or months later with the right fit. When I talk to someone, my goal is to continue to be on the lookout for their right job match, long after we hang up. In the world of recruiting, new roles are constantly arising.
As a recruiter, there are a few things that make it easier for me to find and help you. Remember, you have nothing to lose by working with a manufacturing recruiter or someone who can help you find your next behavioral health position — just your time. And you just never know what doors might be opened to you.
- Be find-able: The best way to do this is to create a LinkedIn profile, if you don’t already have one. List yourself as “open to work.” You can also list what jobs, what settings, and what locations you are open to. I search LinkedIn for HOURS every week. Want to move to Florida? North Carolina? Want to transition into a different industry? Want to pick up something part-time? You can list all of that on your profile. While you’re at it, update your resume. Tips on doing that HERE.
- Understand your goals: If you don’t know what your goals are, I won’t be able to help you. If you tell me you’ll move out of state “for the right opportunity,” but can’t tell me what that opportunity would look like for you – I won’t know what to call you about in the future. What are you looking for in your next role? Are you looking to move up the career ladder, or would you rather have a more flexible schedule? What aspects of a company are most important to you?
- Set realistic expectations: I’ve talked to candidates who request salaries that are $20K-30K+ what the going rate in their market is. I’m all for shooting high, but keep your eyes open, and don’t accidentally limit your opportunities. I can’t move forward with a candidate whose salary expectations are way out of spec. It just won’t make sense for me, for you, or for the company I’m working with. Consider your industry, limitations that companies face, and what unique experiences you have. For example, in the medical/clinical world, insurance companies set reimbursement rates. For clinicians, higher salaries often mean larger caseloads, which can lead to decreased work/life balance. Of course, don’t undercut yourself, either! It can be helpful to do a search for jobs listed on Indeed and see what salaries are listed. Websites like ZipRecruiter can also be a useful resource. When a salary range is listed – it’s easy to see the top end and fixate on that. Be honest with yourself about what you bring to the table, and what experience you might still need to gain. Have questions about salary? Feel free to ask! I’m happy to answer salary range questions based off of what I am currently seeing in the industry. Also consider how things that may also be important to you like health insurance, PTO, retirement plans, etc. may weigh into your final decision.
- Be available: When you’re busy, I totally get that it can be hard to carve out time in your hectic day for a phone call or telephone interview with a recruiter or hiring manager. Sometimes, candidates will ask me to talk either after business hours or during the weekend. While I understand the request, I usually suggest talking either first thing in the morning or during a lunch break if they can make it work. While I might be fine with an occasional 5 p.m. conversation, hiring authorities usually will want to do interviews during business hours. Need to reschedule a call or interview? No worries! A call or email ahead of time is best.
- Be honest about what you are looking for: Remember, I’m here to help you! Let’s talk through your current career frustrations, your goals, and how you would like to get there. What are you passionate about? What made you decide to enter the field you work in? When I talk to candidates, the expectation is to have a less formal conversation than they would have during an official interview with a hiring manager. It’s OK to say that you don’t want to work in a certain setting, that your personal budget won’t allow a reduction in your salary, or that you’re not looking to relocate. All of these things help me understand what I should and shouldn’t contact you about.
- Be professional: While a conversation with a recruiter is generally considered less formal, and more straightforward – remember that it’s still our job to evaluate how you will present to hiring authorities. So, if we schedule a call, it’s best to be in a quiet place, as free from distractions as possible. Frustrated with your current employer? I get it. Maybe it’s the reason you are talking to me! That being said, it’s more helpful to focus the conversation on what you are looking for in a future employer, rather than the faults of your current workplace. More tips on navigating a phone interview HERE.
- Remember, we’re a team: Nothing makes me happier than to see a great candidate land a great job. It usually doesn’t happen overnight. (I wish!) My goal is to form a long-term connection with each person I speak to, and to continue to be a resource. Here at TYGES, our mission is to “make good things happen for other people.”

Written by: Karissa Sechrist, Executive Recruiter
Karissa Sechrist never thought she would land in the world of recruiting, but she has absolutely no complaints! She loves that her job consists of talking to other people, hearing their stories, and helping them towards their career goals. When she’s not on the phone or scrolling through LinkedIn, Karissa can be found at home running the vacuum because she has four very furry pets (an adorable husky, a loud collie, and two sweet, but entitled cats). Her favorite person in the world is her husband, Drew, and together they love to spend time outside and try new restaurants. Karissa is a big roller coaster fan – but that is about as adventurous as she gets. Her ideal weekend is spent at home in PJs watching an embarrassing amount of Netflix or reading a murder mystery novel.
Karissa loves making new connections – so feel free to say hi anytime!

“We’re here to make good things happen for other people.“