Spotlighting the second of five core values at TYGES is respect.
”We are mindful of our conduct and its impact on others”.
This value aligns well with our mission – “We’re here to make good things happen for other people.” Respect is a lost art in our society not just within the business but also in our personal lives. I have not always respected others but it is my desire to show respect by treating people how I would like to be treated rather than treating them like they sometimes treat us.
At TYGES, we take this value very seriously. Regardless of our interaction, it is our goal to always show you respect.

Written by: TIM SAUMIER, President and Founder
Tim Saumier started his recruiting career when he opened TYGES International back in July 2002 after purchasing a franchise from MRINetwork. He has grown the business from start-up office in 2002 to where it is today helping clients around the world solve their talent acquisition problems. While he does place people with companies, he brings much more through his consultative coaching with both companies and individuals hence the reason he has built long-lasting relationships that continue to work with TYGES.
Prior to starting TYGES, Tim spent thirteen years in corporate America with companies like John Deere, Moen, and Philips where he had the opportunity to work in supply chain, operations, and engineering during his career.