TYGES Insights

Thankfulness and Paying it Forward

In late November of 2018, I was let go from my job. As a single mother of two young children, I had not been able to build very much in my savings account and I knew I needed to find another job quickly.

I immediately called resume writers, asked for suggestions, applied to 5-10 jobs a day, posted my resume on job boards, and asked friends for referrals. Despite all my efforts, I was not having very much luck.

The people close to me, were so supportive but the common question was, “What can we buy the kids?” or “Do you need help with Christmas gifts?” To this day, I can’t even express how grateful I am for the thoughtfulness of others, but I felt this haunting reminder, that if I didn’t find a job, we were not going to have a home or place for these generous gifts. 

One day, I received a Christmas card in the mail from a group of my girlfriends. Inside was a Target gift card and a handwritten note saying, “To help your Christmas be merry.” I used the gift card to buy groceries and an interview outfit.

In my previous role, I learned skills easily transferrable to recruiting and I started taking keywords from recruiting jobs posted online and adding them to my resume before applying for those roles.  I applied online to TYGES and found that I shared a lot of their same values. TYGES’ mission statement is, “We’re here to make good things happen for other people.”  I had an interview (in my Target outfit) and was offered a job that day. This was exactly 30 days from the day I became unemployed.

I love that in my current role, I get to help people and companies every day. The TYGES mission statement, “We’re here to make good things happen for other people” has been true for me too because they gave me a chance.

My children and I were able to stay in our home and we had a nice holiday, but the experience shook me. I thought about all the years I had donated gifts during the holidays and I started to wonder, If there is a need for presents, there may be a greater need for food, a home, or even help finding a job.

I would like to encourage others, that if you know someone in need, please help them. My family and I still donate gifts during the holidays, but we also try to find ways to do more because, like myself, one need was related to a greater one.

Crystal Arnulfo

Written by: Crystal Arnulfo, Executive Recruiter/Account Manager

Crystal has over 10+ years of experience in the Manufacturing and Supply Chain industries. Working in brand marketing, project management, and analyzing the unique needs of each client to coach, and motivate members at all levels with a focus on increased ROI.  She has always had an interest in working with people at all operational levels and helping them improve.

Her goal as a recruiter is not just to help the candidate but the client too. She says, “I am humbled and inspired by the stories I hear, and the relationships built with people from all over the world. Each person I speak with is sharing their time with me and I value this as a gift. Of course, a great day in the life of recruiting is when the candidate starts a new job and your client now has a great addition to their team.”

We’re here to make good things happen for other people.

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Picture of Written by: Leah Bryant

Written by: Leah Bryant

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