Our Proven Process
Our proven process, The TYGES Way, will bring you the top talent to help grow your organization and deliver the best possible solution.
01 Establish Alignment
We Listen. To start the process, we will have a meeting between TYGES, human resources, and the hiring authority. This way, we can listen to what your needs are, create a plan together, and get your buy-in before we initiate the search.
02 Initiate the Search
We Communicate. Once a proposal is signed, we start the search and provide regular updates.
03 Present Candidates
We Consult. After thoroughly vetting the candidates, with our multistep interview process, it’s time for the interview. We consult, coordinate any logistics, and align expectations throughout the interview process between you and the candidate. We also provide any coaching or preparations that will be needed on either side.
04 Complete the Search
We Facilitate. Now that you’ve interviewed candidates, we will assist with any offer negotiations and manage expectations of the selected individual. We will also smooth the transition by expediting reference checks, background checks, drug screens, and relocation assistance.
05 After the Hire
Once the candidate starts, we don’t stop there. We have a regimented follow-up plan with the candidate to ensure proper assimilation. We’ll also keep in touch with your hiring manager to ensure satisfaction. Don’t forget about our unconditional guarantee during the length of your terms.