Aerospace Executive Recruiting

Finding high-performing executives is no easy task. Finding top business leaders with aerospace-specific experience is an even rarer feat, but one the recruiting experts at TYGES can handle deftly on your behalf.

TYGES is a worldwide leader in aerospace recruiting, with access to an elite network of candidates prepared to lead your company into the frontier of the aerospace industry and beyond. When you work with us, you are gaining a partner invested in your success and prepared to make the aerospace executive recruiting process stress-free, streamlined, and successful.

What Makes a Good Aerospace Executive?

Executives in any industry need top-level business acumen and leadership skills, but the aerospace industry has unique demands that only a small percentage of candidates are prepared to meet.

A top-performing aerospace executive must possess:

  • An innovative mindset: Aerospace executives are responsible for driving technological advancements, meeting evolving industry demands and rising above the competition in this cutting-edge field.
  • Adaptability: Dramatic technological changes and regulatory shifts are not uncommon in the aerospace industry. Your business leaders must be prepared to adapt at every turn.
  • A global perspective: From customer bases to supply chains and international regulations, the aerospace industry is global, and business leaders within the field must possess a mindset that transcends international borders.
  • Industry knowledge: Aerospace is a highly regulated industry where technological innovation moves fast and at a constant pace. Executive recruiting for aerospace must take into account the technical acumen required to lead and navigate the challenges inherent to this industry.

Our proven recruitment methods identify the traits and qualifications that translate to successful CXOs in the aerospace industry.

Building Lasting Relationships

A successful aerospace executive search firm should get to know all aspects of your company before sourcing candidates for key leadership positions. While professional qualifications remain a top priority, so do alignment with your business’s culture and vision.

Our vetting process helps us pinpoint the candidates who check all of these crucial boxes, so that the connections we facilitate are built to last.

The TYGES Advantage

There is a reason 87 percent of our business comes from repeat customers. TYGES maintains a 4:1 interview to placement ratio, meaning our clients enjoy the luxury of reviewing a handful of candidates who truly check the boxes.

Our vast network of talent in aerospace leadership and manufacturing recruiting allows us to fill any open role you might have, including key positions in operations, sales, marketing, product development, supply chain, finance, human resources, continuous improvement, quality, and IT. With more than 20 years of industry experience, we know what it takes to lead and innovate in the aerospace industry.

A Trusted Partner for All Your Aerospace Recruitment Needs

The aerospace executive recruitment experts at TYGES can help you fill a single open role or build an entire team, depending on your needs. Get in touch today to get started finding the right leaders who can pilot your company toward a prosperous future.